I don't know anyone who isn't frustrated or disheartened with something that is going on in the world today. What would it take to make it better? To have A Better World? I bet everyone's got an idea yet most of us aren't doing anything about it. We get paralyzed because we can't fix the big things. Yet, if each one of us made a small difference each day the world would be a better place. Even if it's for one person in one moment, better is better, right? A smile to someone who thinks no one sees them. A word of encouragement to a kid who seems frustrated or about to give up. A compassionate look to a mom who is at her wits end. I believe in the power of each one of us to make a difference and make our world a better place. We've got to rebuild and strengthen our connections to each other and the world around us in order to do so. So that's what this work is all about. Helping each other . . . friends, strangers, children, our schools, our communities . . . to be A Better World. That's what I want. Don't you? I'm gonna give it my best shot. Won't you join me? I'm just a girl striving for A Better World. #drt4abetterworld @tanyaaroystermd #DrT4ABetterWorld #MentalHealthAwareness #BlackPsychiatrist #TherapyforBlackGirls
